Stage Maroons

Stage Maroons are normally used to produce a loud bang. Basically put, the larger the unit and the closer the containment used, then the stronger the effect will be. Wells offers three main types of Stage Maroon; 

  • Standard Maroons, which are generally for use in a bomb tank,
  • Concussion Maroons which are designed for use in a concussion style containment pot, and
  • Cannon Maroons which are designed to be place in a Cannon or proofed tube to replicate an historic ordinance piece firing.

Stage Maroons can also be used to lift materials or to 'explode' props. Our special, made to order, coloured versions have even been used in Films as Bullet Hits. The use of colours gives the CGI techs an anchor which they can then enlarge and exaggerate.

Churchill muzzle.jpg

A further version of the Concussion Maroon is the Churchill Tank Simulator. This was designed in close association with a keen tank enthusiast. By fitting a custom made three hole concussion pot in the end of the tank barrel, he is now able to get three simulated HV shots off before needing to 're-load'.

Our cardboard carcassed Cannon Maroon is especially designed to be used in sound historic cannon or proofed tubes attached to said pieces. Once contained thus it gives a loud bang and a traditional smoke cloud on firing.

Special loads and colours (red, green & amber) are available to special order, as is a Sparkle option on all the standard Maroon versions if required. For more details just contact Wells.

All Stage Maroons are in one CE grouping:

Ground Maroons

In the same vein as Stage Maroons are Ground Maroons. However these are a league above their much smaller cousins and a great deal more powerful, requiring no further containment. As a point of fact, to contain them could be extremely dangerous due to their power.

Note; Do not be mislead by the name 'Ground' Maroon as this is a historic term which simply differentiated them from Aerial Maroons i.e. Salute style rockets. Ideally Ground Maroons should never be fired on the ground, but instead they should be safely elevated on a thin stick or hanging line.

If you are unsure about using Ground Maroons ALWAYS contact Wells for more advice - we are very happy to help and want you to be safe AND to get the most from these products.

Arena Smoke Puffs

Should the Cannon Maroon not prove large enough then we offer a range of Blackpowder Arena Smoke Puffs which can be used in its place. These can be loaded with the grade of powder to your choice.